Francesco Murano
L’illuminazione delle opere nelle mostre d’arte
Lighting artworks in art exhibitions
Pagine 114
Data pubblicazione Dicembre 2017
Data ristampa
Autori Francesco Murano
ISBN 8891626004
ean 9788891626004
Tipo Cartaceo
Collana Politecnica
Editore Maggioli Editore
Dimensione 17X24
Countless exhibitions take place in Italy every year, involving millions of visitors eager to admire works of art illuminated by natural or artificial light. Artificial light has the fundamentaltaskofmakingenjoyabletheexhibitedartworks.Ā Ā Ā Butwithintheenvironments, it does many other functions and is also used to brighten up them spaces, to highlight the paths, to allow the reading of captions and graphics. But lighting well art exhibitions requiresanarticulatedandspecifictechnicalknowledgethatmaturesinyearsofexperience and that can not be learned with the simple reading of common lighting textbooks.Ā Learning to illuminate works of art is therefore the result of one long and personal experience and the particulars and suggestions that come indicated in the brief text can help those who are approaching this profession to avoid many mistakes that often prevent a correct and pleasant view of the artworks and yet of the exhibition spaces.Vittorio Sgarbi